Monday, February 28, 2011

The void.

Today, I heard something about someone. & that someone was more than just a friend to me. & now, we simply know absolutely nothing about each other. Life. Thing is, I ended up having nothing to say to a lot of people in my life, even though we were so close the year before. We try, but it's not always that easy. I look back to my life and wonder what happened to so and so. Once in my heart, you're there forever. I hope you're alright. Doing well. Surviving. I miss your funny faces.


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Friday, February 25, 2011

Pointless exaggeration.

The human race tends to make every possible thing seem larger, more dramatic, better, or even worse than it really is. It's very fascinating how it's inevitable. Exaggeration. You all do it. We all do it. We exaggerate. Therefore, we are constantly disappointed. I don't mind people exaggerating how good a movie is, or how bad that dress looked on xyz. Or how scrumptious the cake was. Because people tend to do that, human nature. But, wait for it, wait for it. Even worse, and worse. What I find really hard to accept, being THE subject of exaggeration. I hate when people exaggerate and twist my actions. Making them seem like I'd never even except to hear. When on the other hand, I didn't mean it in that way. Too shocking to be true. How could you make it all look so bad? When it wasn't even slightly as bad. You can't exaggerate something and take it against someone.

This post is dedicated to my encourager, & reason of my motivation, MAH.

A x

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Serena of Blair!

The outfit is so Serena of Blair to wear, don't you think? & That's exactly why I love it.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I suffer from..

.. Over-thinking everything.

'Over-thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, ruins the moment, twists things around, makes you worry, and generally just make everything much worse than it actually is'